Sunday, July 10, 2011


Found out hard to cheer myself up anymore
Laugh as much as i can
Did anything that would make myself happy
But seems failed

Why am i always depressed?
Even when i laugh out loud
Deep inside there
Nope, i am not happy

Getting myself rest whole day yesterday
Slept as much as i could
Watching dramas & movies that i never touch for months
"Jin""Boss 2""House"
"The Last Song"
Later "CSI" & "House" to be continued~
Have to go dl those unfinished japanese drama and.. "Vampire diaries"
Yes, i love vampire stories^^
Of course, those stories with handsome and pretty vampires, not those in "Priest" > <

Getting another day of holiday for me tomorrow
Hopefully it will be a great day
As he said: This trip to KL i cannot plan anything cox everything too last minutes and unexpected
Future always unexpected

And yes, i need to find something to do
Make myself busy and concentrate in
And be happy^^

Saw some useful art books & photography books at kinokuniya the other day but the price really *bling bling*
The price hurting my eyes -.-
Why everything have to cost so much now > <

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